Ready. Set. Baby!

Whether you’re planning a pregnancy in 2025, or aren’t quite ready to start your family now but want to learn more about optimising your fertility - then this content program is for you! Learn all about your mind, body and fertility, and receive tips from leading fertility specialists. This free program will deliver fertility guidance straight to your inbox over 15 days.
To register for the Ready. Set. Baby! content program, simply fill out the form below and start receiving articles from reproductive health experts to your inbox straight away.

Sign Up to Ready Set Baby!

Why prepare for pregnancy?
Your health matters
Research has shown that the health of both biological parents at the time of conception impacts the future health of the child. By making positive lifestyle changes before you start trying to conceive, you can give your child the best possible start in life.
It doesn’t always happen easily
One in six Australian couples will have difficulty conceiving. By learning as much as you can about your body and undertaking preconception health checks when preparing for pregnancy, potential fertility issues can be identified and managed earlier, making your fertility journey easier in the long run.
Set yourself up for success
Preparing for pregnancy is a great time to prioritise your mental and physical health. Taking positive steps to improve your health can reduce complications in pregnancy and can mean you’re a healthier parent for your future child.
What to expect from the Ready Set Baby program
Ready. Set. Baby! is a 15-day content program. As soon as you sign up, you’ll start receiving articles from reproductive health experts to your inbox straight away. New content will arrive via email every two days, themed around mind, body and fertility.

Cultivating a positive mindset is incredibly important when trying for a baby, particularly if things are not going according to plan. Stress and anxiety can take a physical toll on the human body, and this fight or flight response doesn’t allow for favourable reproductive conditions. Our carefully curated mind content is designed to help you build resilience on your journey to conception.

One of the things we always say to patients is, “Be as healthy as you can be when you’re trying to conceive” – and this goes for both parents. Healthy men produce the best sperm, and healthy women provide the best environment for growth. Our body content includes advice around lifestyle, exercise and nutrition to get you in the best shape possible. We’ve even thrown in some meal plans.

Simply by understanding your body and knowing about your reproductive health sooner rather than later, you can increase your chance of having a baby. Our fertility content covers everything from male and female reproductive systems, to fertility future-proofing options like egg and sperm freezing, to genetic testing and fertility health checks.

Start your fertility journey
Wherever you are on your journey, one of our supportive nurse enquiry team can help you understand your options and take the next step. These conversations are free and informative.