Refer a Patient
You can choose to refer a patient to a specific doctor or you can choose to refer to Monash IVF and our nurse enquiry team will assist your patient with the next available or a specialist of their choice.
Referrals can be received via email or fax to your local clinic
If your practice uses Best Practice, you can use the “Monash IVF fertility referral form’ currently in best practice.
You can print and use our referral form.
You can use the below online forms and provide a printed copy to your patient.
Any questions can be directed to our nurse enquiry team on 1800 628 533 or

Are you looking to refer a patient in another state?
Monash IVF has sister clinics throughout Australia.
South Australia & Northern Territory - Repromed

Start your fertility journey
Wherever you are on your journey, one of our supportive nurse enquiry team can help you understand your options and take the next step. These conversations are free and informative.