The World Egg Bank (TWEB)

The World Egg Bank (TWEB) in the USA has been recruiting egg donors since 1996. They’ve been shipping eggs across the world to meet demand for egg donors since 2004. Our partnership with TWEB means we can help you import frozen donor eggs from the USA.

How are TWEB egg donors recruited for Monash IVF patients?

The egg donors we access donate altruistically – they don’t get paid and provide their eggs as a gift.

How old are the egg donors?

The egg donors we access are 21-29 years old.

What types of women donate their eggs to TWEB?

You can read profiles of the donors to see their different ethnicities, backgrounds and circumstances.

Do the donors take medical tests?

The egg donors we access are rigorously screened to the same standards required in Australia for infectious and genetic diseases, psychiatric and family medical history.

What information is available to me about the donors?

Donor profiles include photos, and non-identifying information including a detailed family medical history.

Compliance with Australian law

In keeping with Australian laws, the egg donors we access have had thorough counselling.

The donors have signed consent forms agreeing to have their contact details provided to children (when they turn 18) born from their donation. This meets the requirements of the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 (in Victoria) and the NHMRC Ethical guidelines on the Use of ART in Clinical Practice and Research (in other States).[1]

How do I get started with TWEB?

Accessing TWEB donor eggs can take a few months or more. Once you submit and enquiry with us we will send you out a TWEB information pack.

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