Research at Monash IVF

Monash IVF has been at the cutting edge of reproductive science for over 50 years, but none of our advances would have been possible without our patients.

Only with your help can we continually refine our science and technology so that hopeful parents can have even better chances of success.

Research Monash IVF

Contribute to our research

You could be invited to participate in one of the studies we conduct each year. Our recruitment staff may contact you by email or by phone during your treatment.

Patients who get involved in research studies can:

  • Help us understand the reasons behind their fertility challenges
  • Contribute to the advancement of reproductive science
  • Help other hopeful parents successfully start their families

There are several ways you can be involved, from completing questionnaires to donating blood samples, tissue samples or unused gametes. Importantly, participation is voluntary, you can withdraw at any time, and your treatment and care will not be impacted.

Our specialist fertility doctors, professional staff and talented researchers at Monash IVF dedicate themselves to improving the patient experience and achieving the best outcomes.

As a leader in innovative treatments and technology, Monash IVF may seek your involvement in research where you can make a difference to other people's lives.

A Snapshot of our Scientific Firsts

2019Australia’s first baby using PIEZO microinjection technology
2014First pregnancy from the preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of all 23 chromosome pairs to detect any abnormalities
2013Australia’s first pregnancy from an ovarian tissue graft
1999Australia’s first baby from a frozen egg
1987World’s first sperm microinjection technology
1984World’s first baby from donated eggs
1983World’s first baby from a frozen embryo
1980The birth of Australia's first ever IVF baby
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Start your fertility journey

Wherever you are on your journey, one of our supportive nurse enquiry team can help you understand your options and take the next step. These conversations are free and informative.

Book a nurse chat Book an appointment